Mass & Sacraments
Mass Schedule
Sundays: 7 am | 8:30 am | 10:30 am | 12:30 pm (Spanish) | 5 pm
Saturday Vigil: 5 pm
Mon-Sat: 8:30 am
Mon-Fri: Noon
Wed: 7 pm (Spanish)
Confession Schedule
Mon-Fri: 8:30 am
Mon-Fri: 6:30 pm
Sat: 8:30 am | 3:30 pm
Devotions Schedule
Eucharistic Adoration in Chapel
Weekly Monday 9 am through
Saturday 8 am
Rosary & Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Prayed after 8:30 am Mass
Flame of Love Rosary
Prayed after noon Mass on Mondays
Morning Prayer
Prayed at 8:10 am (Mon-Sat)
Vespers (Evening Prayer)
1st, 3rd, & 4th Sundays of the month, 3:30pm
The Sacraments
Contact the parish office to schedule your child’s baptism: [email protected] or (540) 635-3780. Please find the Baptism Register Form here.
The parish First Holy Communion Mass is the first Saturday in May. Our local Catholic schools may have different first Holy Communion dates; please check with them for details. Please contact David Wallace for more information: [email protected]
The next Confirmation will be celebrated on October 12, 2024, by Bishop Emeritus Loverde. Contact David Wallace for more information: [email protected].
Contact the parish office to discuss Marriage prep: [email protected] or (540) 635-3780.
As soon as your wedding date is approved, please contact Dr. Alban immediately to set up a consultation to plan the music for your wedding: (540) 635-3780.
Download: Wedding Music Planner | Wedding Policies & Information (includes readings)
Marriage Readings
The readings at a Catholic wedding liturgy are a proclamation of God’s Word and of the Church’s faith about marriage. For this reason, they are limited to readings from the Scriptures (the Bible). There are nine options for the first reading from the Old Testament, thirteen options for the second reading from the New Testament, and ten choices for the Gospel. You choose one from each of these categories.You may find it helpful to reflect prayerfully on each reading and to choose those that speak to your hopes and dreams for your Christian marriage.
Contact the parish office to schedule an anointing: [email protected] or (540) 635-3780.
Visit the Diocese of Arlington Vocations page for more information.
Please contact the parish office for funeral information and scheduling: (540) 635-3780 or [email protected].
Download: Funeral Liturgical Music Guidelines & Readings | Funeral Mass Planner